Results for ‘purser’
Results from the libraries & archives
1 to 12 of 82
Black and white photograph of Sarah Purser
Part of the Irish Archive
Photograph of Doctor George Furlong and Sarah Purser
Independent Newspapers limited, photographer, Dublin
Part of the Irish Archive
Letter from Sarah Purser to unknown correspondent regarding an upcoming engagement
Purser, Sarah
Part of the Irish Archive
Letter from Sarah Purser to Mary Swanzy discussing her trip to Hawaii
Purser, Sarah H
Part of the Irish Archive
Letter from Sarah Purser to Mary Swanzy regarding the death of Stella Seely
Purser, Sarah Henrietta
Part of the Irish Archive
Letter from Sarah Purser to Bride Killeen regarding her brother's drawing of Sean O’Casey
Purser, Sarah Henrietta, Tuohy, Patrick Joseph
Part of the Irish Archive
Letter from Hugh Lane to Sarah Cecilia Harrison discussing John Shaw-Taylor and Ms [Sarah] Purser
Lane, Sir Hugh
Part of the Irish Archive
Postcard to Sarah Purser, containing a reproduction of a painting of Louise Breslau by Ernst Josephson
Part of the Irish Archive
Illustrated letter from William Orpen to Grace Orpen mentioning his daily activities and meetings with Sarah Purser
Orpen, Sir William, 1878-1931
Part of the Irish Archive
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